Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday Night Dance Party!!!

Every Monday night at the 5 Spot in East Nashville, there is a little something called the Monday Night Dance Party!!

Keep On Movin'

If you know me at all you know that I love to dance! I don't even need music I could just dance the night or day away and be completely content. So you can imagine my excitement when I heard about this dance party! It's awesome! I've been meaning to go a lot sooner but since I always seem to work Tuesday morning and the dance party doesn't even really get started until around 11, you can imagine what kind of morning that would make the next day! Last Monday we finally went and it was pretty fun. However, if you want to drink you should do so before you get there because it's so crowded that you won't be able to get a drink unless you stand by the bar for 30 mins or more. Also, if you want to dance you shouldn't be to concerned about your personal space because your bubble would def. be popped on this dance floor but still a good time if you don't mind those things. It just so happens that when I was there I kept bumping into this girl when we were dancing and when I finally turned around to see this girl it was the pop artist, Kesha! I was butt bumping Kesha! It was crazy! Pretty cool though. I will def. go again! Hopefully soon because I could use some dancing! If you know of any good places to dance in town let me know and I will for sure check them out!!!

Check out 5 Spot!!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Fun in the rain!!!

My friends and I had been planning a white water rafting trip for a couple weeks and when the day came last Monday we were stoked!!!! We got up early and packed the car, which you couldn't fit anything else into, and were on our way by 930. We had yet to look up directions but who needs too when three of the people in the car have the Iphone. So we looked up directions real quick and took off. Blasting awesome music, laughing and talking took up the next hour when I decided to ask Adam what our next move was on the directions. This is when our day started to take a turn for the worse. We had been going an hour in the wrong direction....LAME!!! I was a little, okay maybe more than a little peeved at my husband who never manages to fail at messing up directions, but when we realized we were still going to make our apt. for rafting at 2 o'clock I began to let go of it a little. When I get mad I tend to just not talk and let my thoughts steam for awhile, but I let my annoyance sizzle and was starting to be okay once we were about an hour from getting to our destination. We started jamming out to Michael Jackson once again! Everything was falling into to place. This was until we looked at our phones and realized there was an hour time change!!!! We were going to be late by thirty minutes!!!! I started to steam up once again! I think I was a little more annoyed because Adam and I were the ones who had paid for the whole trip and no one had paid us back yet and how was I suppose to ask for money for a trip that never happened! Not cool. Even though we missed our rafting trip, which we ended up getting vouchers for that we can use this year or next, we decided to set up camp! We had planned a tubing down the river trip as well the next day. So we set up camp close to the river and set out for the lake to go swimming. It started raining right when we got there but we were determined to not let it stopped us. So we jumped in and swam around for about an hour! Next it was on to the grocery store. It took us one hour to find a grocery store that was five minutes away!! Lets just say it was an interesting drive, filled with stories from Michael Ian Black's book. Once we finally got groceries we set out for the campsite once again and started grilling as soon as we got there. Then came our drunken night of catch phrase... ( I downed two bottles of wine!!!!). I don't remember much of the rest of the night other than getting sick and passing out once again in the tent... I know I'm so classy. The next day we got up and Jordan Mcgyver'd some awesome bacon, egg and cheese muffins and then came the rain. Maybe I should say torrential downpour! It didn't let up. When we decided it wasn't going to stop we decided to throw on our swim suits and start taking everything down. It was an experience that's for sure. The trip turned out to be pretty fun! Lots of laughing, lots of drinking and lots of rain! Who doesn't love doing things in the rain on a hot day?

Saturday, August 14, 2010

My first 5K!!!!!

Today at 6 in the morning I'm felt a little regret from signing up for this 5K. All I want to do is throw my alarm across the room, roll over and go back to bed, but I can't! I paid money for this thing darn it and I'm going to do it. So I roll over and kiss Adam to wake him up and I can tell he is not feeling it either, but we both drag our butts out of bed and get ready. We are in the car ready to go 1/2 hour later and boy do we look the part. In our shorts, sports shirts and tennis shoes no one could tell by looking at us that we don't run...but we don't...EVER. Of course, I am a huge fan of the Biggest Loser (obviously I am practically in love with Jillian Michaels), and if 300-500 pound people can train in six months, or something like that, to run a full marathon at the end of the season then I should be able to run my butt 3.1 miles right!!!?? So, we meet up with our friends, David and Karen, who are runners, and we head for the marathon. When we get there I start getting a little nervous. There are so many people, athletic people... runners. They are all so inspiring in the their running gear and ipods. However, I just don't want to finish last. That is one of my biggest fears in life... finishing last at anything. I mean I guess that's probably everyone's fear, the fear of failure, but today I must put in my head that it doesn't matter if I come in last, it matters if I finish what I started and so that's what Adam and I set out to do!

Before the race....

Once the race starts, I'm focused. I'm pumped! It's exciting running with that many people. You feel like you are a part of something. Watching everyone else makes you want to keep going. Adam and I managed to run without stopping to walk for the first mile and a half and then we had to start walking every once in awhile. There were a lot more hills than I expected so Adam and I walked up the hills for the most part and would run down hills and on the flat areas. Near the end the only thing keeping us going was the fact that we were going to finish... and in the middle!

I was so exhausted by the end of the race but when I saw the finish line there was this sense of accomplishment that filled me. I was so happy. I will even say,I'm a little embarrassed, but I almost cried. It was even harder to keep my tears back when we almost get to the finish line and Adam looks at me and says, "Let's hold hands when we cross the finish line." This is such a sign of our relationship. A sign that we will always be by each others side. A sign that we will always be there for each other! A sign that I'm one lucky girl!

After the race....
This is an absolutely terrible picture, but what do you expect us to look like after a race? At least we are all smiles! Adam was making me laugh which is why I look so goofy. All in all I'm so glad that we chose to do this and we are actually super excited for another one in Oct!!!

If you have time, check out the Tomato Arts Festival today in East Nashville! I would have gone back and checked more stuff out if I didn't have to go to work tonight.

A special thanks to Karen for being our supporter and photographer! Hopefully next time you and baby tomato can run with us!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

My bad day that turned out ok!

So you know when you are super tired of your hair and you finally get that hair up your butt to change it. I did that right after the wedding a couple months ago. I was so tired of my long hair that I had been growing out for the wedding that I was super ready to cut it off when I got back from the honeymoon. I have always wanted to try a reverse bob look where its shorter in back then angles down toward the front! Like this..

Bob Hairstyles 2010-3
but without the bangs. When I got this cut two months ago I was in love with it! So cute and fun. So today I went back to get a trim and color and my stylist told me she would need to take about an inch off which was exactly what I needed. Anyway, we are just blabbing away about local bands and new restaurants in town, etc., when she spins me around so I can see myself in the mirror..... I'm a little shocked! She took like three inches off! SOO SHORT!!! Too short in my mind and when she asks me what I think, its takes everything I have to hold back my tears and tell her that I love it. I get up and walk outside and it starts pouring. Of course it would start pouring, my car is only parked about 1/4 mile away.. but wait I just bought a new umbrella!! I'm saved.... NOPE it's in my car that's 1/4 mile away. So I start running to my car in my, of course, white shirt and black skirt. It actually feels kinda nice. It's been so hot out these last couple of weeks that even though I know I'm going to have to redo my hair when I get home and change for the dinner plans I have in a half an hour, I enjoy the downpour for a moment. Right as I see my car around the corner I also see a giant puddle. As I go to leap over the puddle and look down to make sure I clear it I look up just in time to see a branch of leaves smack me right in the face. To make matters worse the car passing by honks to say, " Yeah, I saw that. Thanks for the laugh." As soon as I get in the car and take a deep breath and scream to the top of my lungs, relieving the stress from the haircut gone wrong, the rain, the tree branch and then I call my mom. I know I know I still call my mom when I feel sad or I'm having a bad day. There is nothing wrong with that. After talking to her I feel better. I got home and my friends were there waiting on me to leave for dinner and as I dry my hair and change we down a bottle of Sangria. The day may not be too bad after all. Also, my friends and Adam say the love my hair, don't know if they are being nice or really mean it but either way I feel better!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Karaoke Bars!!!

Last night a bunch of my friends and I decided to go out and have some drinks! We started at this bar called, " Sam's bar and grill," because they had two for one discount which none of us can ever seem to pass up and we were having so much fun! After about round 3 of two for ones (which is six beers if you can't add that up) we were all getting a little antsy for some new scenery and obviously weren't quite ready to go home. Callie had been talking about going to sing karaoke a little bit that night and I was totally down for that! I was ready to belt it out! So off we went to Printers Alley to a place called, " Ms. Kelli's Karaoke Bar." We were pretty much the only people there which made it even easier to get up the courage to sing. Not that we didn't have enough liquid courage in us anyway! My good friend Courtney and I have been talking about singing, " Summer Nights," from the Grease soundtrack, together for many weeks now and last night was the moment it turned into reality and honestly it was awesome! Take a look!

I know I know you are so jealous now you wish you had our talent!:) We continued on with Adam singing, "Little Red Corvette," Alyson singing, " I Love Rock and Roll" and " You Shook me All NIght Long." Callie sang, "Psycho Killer," and Sam sang as well but I can't remember for the life of me what song it was. Courtney and I got up and gave an encore of, " Baby love" as well...... its's a good thing we don't have that on video! Then I finished up the night with," Baby Got Back," and had Alyson and Callie as my back up dancers. Lets just say last night was definitely EPIC!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Going to the Dog Wash!

I firmly believe that as many adventures that you go on as possible should involve your furry friends if you have them! Adam and I have a two year old Sheltie, Abby. She is our baby and is so spoiled! I just heard about this place in East Nashville that sells Holistic Dog food and treats and has a self service dog wash! IT'S AWESOME!!! It's called Wags and Whiskers.

We usually take Abby to a groomer to get a bath and trimmed and easily spend $70 if not more. This place is only $15 for a bath and I get to do it for her which Abby loves. And with there waist high tubs, and plastic aprons is so much easier than giving her a bath at home.

Abby loved it! She was too cute!

I will definitely go back! You should go too! Check it out!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Funny Kind of Night!

I know I know it's been a little too long since I've posted any new adventures and for that I do apologize. I have been a bit busy with work and trying to get my school stuff done for this fall and my parents came to town! Also, I'll be honest I was just being a little lazy!
Anyway, up until a week ago I had never seen a comedian live, which is a little strange since I watch comedians all the time on TV or Netflix with my husband! One of our favorite comedians is Michael Ian Black from hit shows like, " Stella, The State, Michael and Michael have Issues, Red Hot American Summer and I love the 80's!" If you haven't seen any or all of these I highly recommend that you stop what you are doing immediately and get to watching them! When my husband and I heard that he was coming to Zanies, a local comedy club, we had no hesitation in buying tickets and I am so glad we had this experience. I don't know if I have ever laughed that hard in my life. To see someone live that has been making you laugh through the TV screen for so long makes it even more hilarious. You pick up on their facial expressions and you have even heard a few of the jokes already, which are just as funny if not more than the first time you heard them. I love him even more now. After the show we waited in line to buy his book, which is hilarious, and got to have him sign in and take our picture with him.
He is really nice in person and as much as we planned what we were going to say to him, neither of us had the guts to actually do it. I guess we both were just starstruck!

Sign up to follow Michael Ian Black's Twitter account or follow him on facebook!